Do you use several bags to pack camera gear for different occasions? Sometimes you need the gear for a professional photo shoot. On other occasions, you only need the basics because just want to have the camera around in case you run into something interesting. Different occasions require different gear, yet this gear requires different bag. In this video, Caleb Pike will give you some for turning any bag into a camera bag.
The secret lies in choosing the right accessories for the bags. Caleb uses three main pieces to protect his gear: Domke Wrap, Porta Brace Lens Cups and Porta Brace Stuff Sacks.
Domke wrap
Domke wrap
Domke Wrap looks like a pretty versatile wrap. It’s covered in felt on one side, and nylon on the other, and you can use it to protect anything that needs to be protected. Caleb uses it to wrap the camera and put it in the bag. If you need the instant access to the camera, you can leave the upper side open.
Porta Brace Lens Cups
Porta Brace Lens Cups
As you can guess from the name, you can use these to pack the lenses. These cylinder-shaped little bags designed to protect them. They come in different sizes and have a clear flap with a zipper on the top. Caleb suggests adding a piece of gaffer tape on the top and writing which lens is inside, for even better organization. He doesn’t use them only for the lenses, but also for NP-F batteries, audio transmitters/receivers, cables and more.
Porta Brace Stuff Sacks
Porta Brace Stuff Sacks
These are ideal for any random gear you may carry with you: batteries, filters, cables and anything that just gets kicked around your bag. They also come in various sizes, and if they are too pricey for you, I believe you can use pretty much any felt pouch. With your gear packed into these pouches and wraps, you can have everything protected and neatly organized in any messenger bag or backpack. In addition to these three accessories, I would also add a lens filter case, to have all the filters protected and in the same place. I find Caleb’s solution pretty interesting and useful for traveling with the gear, or for the cases when you just want to have it around while you’re out. In my case, I like to match a bag/backpack with the rest of the outfit, yet I like to have my camera with me whenever I can. So I always carry a separate camera bag and feel trapped with all the bag straps, plus the camera strap around my neck. Not to mention that I often have no idea where I put what. So, I find this system pretty convenient, and I’ll try it out the next time when I want to bring style and camera together. How do you like these suggestions? Will you try them out? Would you add anything else? Share your thoughts in the comments. [How to Turn Any Bag Into A Camera Bag via Life Hacker]